Countless people in Illinois currently find themselves buried under mountains of credit card debt. Getting ahead of this debt is even more difficult given that many rely on credit cards for everyday purchases since they are burdened financially given the current economic climate - not to mention the high credit card interest rates. While some people with large credit card debt in Illinois pursue relief options such as debt consolidation or negotiating with the credit card companies, many have determined their best option is to discharge the credit card debt in an Illinois bankruptcy court.
Discharging Credit Card Debt in Illinois
Following an Illinois Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a creditor generally will not be able to pursue a debtor for credit card debt - this is commonly known as "discharging" the debt during bankruptcy. However, the bankruptcy code expressly states a debtor cannot discharge debt that was obtained by "false pretenses, a false representation or actual fraud."
In order for a creditor to except credit card debt from discharge in an Illinois bankruptcy court they can prove fraud by showing either that the debtor made an intentional misrepresentation upon which the creditor justifiably relied, or, the debtor perpetrated a positive fraud against the creditor.
In addition, proving fraudulent intent with credit card debt is usually a question of whether the debtor intended to repay the debt or not, and is based on a subjective standard at the time the debt was incurred. Bankruptcy courts in Illinois have in the past utilized a test developed in the Ninth Circuit as guidance for determining fraudulent intent - commonly known as the Dougherty factors.
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